
Links to Things

Hi there! I decided since I have a lot of projects going, I should have one place with all the links so I only have to list one web address on things. So here's everything I'm working on:

Twitter: You should probably follow me on Twitter. I say entertaining things there.

Annabeth & the Athena Cabin: My Percy Jackson & the Olympians band. We're just getting started but it's looking to be a lot of fun. Di immortales!
(Hufflepuff Demigod Music)

Tonks & the Werewolves: My wizard rock band. We're loud, fun, and love Firewhiskey. If you like loud, fun music about Harry Potter, you should check us out.
(Hufflepuff Demigod Music)

Oddly Witty
My blog, of sorts. I say entertaining things here, too.

Nothing Important
: My LiveJournal. Sometimes I post writing excerpts here. Mostly I just forget about it.

Accio-Potter: A Harry Potter fansite I work for. It's pretty awesome.



AIM: WiseGirlRock
Yahoo: Werewolf_in_the_Watch
Skype: OddlyWitty


Things You Should Check Out:

National Novel Writing Month


The Harry Potter Alliance

The Guild

Wil Wheaton

VG Cats

The Wizrocklopedia