Stuff About Me

Writer. Nerd. Musician. Book lover. Zombie slayer. Bacon enthusiast. Movie nut. Airsofter. Sports fan. Overall awesome and witty person. Not necessarily in that order.

(To be read in Stephen Fry’s voice)

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy defines “Terry Manley” as semi-aquatic mammal that lays eggs. No, wait…that’s a platypus.

Hang on…right. Here we go. Let’s start again…

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy defines “Terry Manley” as a perpetually good-natured, spectacularly witty, thoroughly awesome nerd with an overactive imagination who is madly in love with Will Riker. While this strange being may seem complex, all it really needs to survive is a guitar, a stack of books and access to copious amounts of coffee.